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Created Date | September 10, 2019 | |
Expiration Date | November 08, 2019 | |
Posted by | Administrator | |
Country | United States | |
State | California | |
City | Renaissance at Uptown Orange (5 minutes drive from Chapman University ) | |
Project Type | Short Film, Non union, PAID | |
Project Title | Like Father, Like Son (天宫二兽) |
(English): After a fight with students who gossiped about his father being a Drag Queen in a famous bar, Lian, the “problem child” goes back home and begins another quarrel with his single father who has been left in the dark about all the problems his son was facing in the high school for long, while the unrepeatable bond of “love” between family members will always work as the super-glue for all types of cracks. (Chinese): 一个单亲父亲,白天是高级白领,晚上北京著名酒吧的Drag Queen,而他的儿子却是高中的“问题少年”,时常因为关于父亲的流言蜚语和同学大打出手,一日打架回家后,积怨已久的家庭问题终于爆发。 *Dialogues are in Mandarin.
Role Name | Gender | Ethnicity | Age Range | Description |
Qiushan Jian (简秋山) | Male | Asian | 30-50 | Qiushan Jian, a single father in his 40s who works in a high standard company during the day, while his is also a drag queen who does performance in one of the most famous night clubs in Beijing every Friday night. He is tall, handsome and masculine. No one in Qiushan’s company ever knows that he is gay nor a drag queen. Qiushan is usually very nice to his son, however, because of his sexuality and this “strange” hobby, quarrels and arguments still cannot be eliminated. He has a boyfriend who has been together with him for more than 3 years. Even though the guy is nice, thoughtful and does not live together with Qiushan and his son, his existence still increases the tension between Qiushan and his son. Qiushan also has a strong and stubborn personality which gives himself a hard time communicating with his son. 简秋山,40多岁的单亲父亲。白天他是地产公司的高职,家境优越收入很高。不论是相貌声音还是身材都看不出是弯的,和普通人心目中gay的stereo type天差地别,因此旁人更不可能知道每周末他都会化身著名夜店的drag queen。他年纪不大,比较能与时俱进,一向对儿子很好,但依旧时常因为性取向和drag的业余爱好与青春期的儿子发生冲突。 简秋山有一个交往了三四年的男友,虽然人很好,但因为儿子难以接受两人并不同居,却仍然时常成为吵架的诱因。他性格很刚,有时候有点直男癌,不知变通,更不觉得自己的性取向和爱好有什么错,因此并不因为儿子的不满而压抑自身。 |
Lian Jian (简炼) | Male | Asian | 14-20 | Lian Jian, around 16, son of Qiushan and his ex-wife. He looks slim, gentle and attractive, but puberty has made him rebellious and bad-tempered. He is a top student in class, but a “bully” at school. Everyone in the school knows Lian and tends to gossip about his family background. Someone has met Qiushan at the night club before and noticed that one of the drag queens looks like Lian’s father. Even though they could not tell for sure, rumors began to fly in the school. Lian doesn’t hate his father and is not homophobic, but he knows that people will not stop talking. Thus, to some degree, Lian dislike the fact that his father is gay and a drag queen. Nevertheless, he always choose to defend his father when he faces the rumors. 简炼,简秋山和前妻的儿子,16岁左右青春期叛逆少年,刀子嘴豆腐心。长相清秀,身材单薄,却脾气暴躁,时常打架,是个尽管学习好,却被老师视为眼中钉的校园小混混。有兄弟跟着他,就有不对付的人时常出言不逊。因为在学校小有名气,他的家庭背景时常被人八卦,简秋山也跟着成为了小焦点。有人去夜店曾经撞见过简秋山,不敢确信,却在学校里传出流言蜚语。简炼心里并不真的讨厌父亲,也并不恐同,却因为人言可畏而对父亲产生各种不满。尽管如此,为了维护父亲,每每有人出言不逊他就与人大打出手。 |