This casting call has expired. To see current casting calls Click here.
Created Date | January 10, 2025 | |
Expiration Date | February 09, 2025 | |
Posted by | Administrator | |
Country | United States | |
State | Illinois | |
City | Chicago | |
Location | Chicago | |
Project Type | Non-Equity Audition | |
Project Title | Turkey and Bones |
Theater: Facility Theatre Upstairs
Title of Show: turkey and bones and eating and we liked it and other plays from geography and plays by gertrude stein
Description: This independent, experimental production of 4 short plays by Gertrude Stein is looking for 5 actors/performers. You will not be playing characters. We are looking for all kinds of performers: actors, musicians, improvisers, circus people, performance artists.
Pay Rate: $200 stipend plus share of ticket and merch sales
Audition Dates:
Monday, January 27th, 6:30-10pm
Thursday, January 30th, 6:30-10pm
Accessibility and COVID-19 Safety:
**Please note that the space where rehearsals and performances are held is up 2 flights of stairs.**
Everyone in the room who is not a performer will be masking during rehearsals. Performers will not be asked to mask while rehearsing. Performers will be emailed every week to check in if they have had any flu-like symptoms or exposure, and tests will be provided if so. Audience will be required to mask at performances. Air purifier will be present in rehearsal and performance space, and windows left open when weather permits.
First rehearsal: February 10th
Rehearsals: Mondays 8-10:30pm; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 7:30-10pm*
Tech: March 10th, 11th, and 13th, 7-11pm
*Due to space availability, we will be rehearsing Friday March 7th instead of Tuesday March 4th.
Time commitment for all performance dates is 7-10pm.
Possibility of extending through the following weekend (March 31st).
Friday March 14th
Saturday March 15th
Monday March 17th
Friday March 21st
Saturday March 22nd
Monday March 24th