ActorBorn and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, I hold two degrees (BA and Master's) in non-fine arts fields. In my career I am a social worker. I managed several programs that help to improve the lives of those persons experiencing homelessness, mental illness and medical challenges. For many years I have focused on doing the "right thing," go to school, graduate, get a job, get married and have kids and take a vacation on occasion! Most of these things (excluding marriage and a child) I have accomplished. Yet I have ALWAYS wanted to do something in the form of acting, particularly in stage plays. As a child I attended a summer camp for performing arts and that's when I fell in love with acting. My instructor said I would be a great character actor, to this day he doesn't know how much that meant to me. It really helped my self-esteem as a plump unpopular little girl. I am humorous, hardworking, reliable, can take instruction and an absolute novice! I really would love the opportunity to be considered for any part, medium or small. I just need a shot to show what I can do and learn what I do not know.