"Ellen Schoeters is a member of Actorama + where actors can upload a monologue or scene performance for peer review. What do you think of Ellen Schoeters's performance?"
Character | Marty Byrde,Wendy Byrde | |
Scene type / Who are | Married, Having an argument, Scolding somebody | |
Type | Dramatic | |
Year | 2017 | |
Period | Contemporary | |
Genre | Drama | |
Description | Wendy and Marty Byrd argue | |
Details | Season 1, Ep. 7, "Nest Box" 50 minutes into the episode |
Marty and Wendy Byrde have an argument.
If you're interested in this scene you might also be interested in Ben's monologue from episode 9 of season 3 of Ozark.
Written by Administrator
Excerpt |
INT. HOUSE - NIGHT MARTY: “So, how is she?” WENDY: “She’s depressed, lonely and anxious. We’ve really fucked up, Marty.” MARTY: “I think she just needs some familiar sort of connective tissue, right? Maybe we can convince her to try swim team again.” WENDY: “No, we are way past any point of assimilation here. We took her life away. Everything she thought was safe is a lie.” MARTY: “We’ll look deeper for what’s here.” WENDY: “I know what’s here. Trust me. It’s the shit you run away from. It’s pickups and warm beer and low expectations. It’s grown men with bourbon on their breath, who lean in a little too close and say “My, how you’ve grown.” MARTY: “All right, do you have any suggestions what we might do?” WENDY: “Yeah. She needs to go back to Chicago.” MARTY: “Not an option.” WENDY: “Jonah needs to go with her.” MARTY: “Please. We’re not sending our kids away.” WENDY: “Marty, they need a life.” MARTY: “They need to stay with us. Just forget it.” WENDY: “I’ve spoken to Coach Daniels and her spot is still available on the swim team, and Mr. Oakes...:” MARTY: “You what?” WENDY: “He wants Jonah to be part of the science decathlon. Now he’s in the middle…” MARTY: “Hang on a sec. You talked to both of them without talking to me first?” WENDY: “I’m just trying to do what’s right.” MARTY: “While excluding me from the process? What’s the matter with you?” WENDY: “You said that we’re business partners, right?” MARTY: “Yeah” WENDY: “Well, sometimes business partners disagree. Caitlin’s mom said that she would house them.” MARTY: “Hang on. You trying to teach them your little trick? When shit gets hot, you pack up and run.” WENDY: “Oh, fuck you, Marty!” MARTY: “Let me tell you something. Any of us run, we’re dead. So forget it.” WENDY: “Hey Marty, look around! This place is death. Jonah, he’s dragging dead animals around with their guts falling out. He wants to shoot birds out of the sky! There was a corpse that came up to our dock, and in our basement, right now, there is an old man dying as we speak.” MARTY: “Let me ask you a question. How long before you follow them? To Chicago. How long?” WENDY: “We’re not talking about me.” MARTY: “The fuck we’re not. This is just another betrayal. How long have you been planning this? Tell me.” WENDY: “Hey, look. I have done nothing since I’ve been here except support you, and I’ve been saving this family over and over again.” MARTY: “Great. Wendy’s here, everybody. We’re safe now.” WENDY: “Oh, great. Shut up, Marty, before you say something you can’t take back.” MARTY: “No. Let’s say exactly what we feel, Wendy. RIght now, let’s be honest. Let’s do it. Can you do it? Or are you just a deceitful bitch?” WENDY: “Wow.” MARTY: “Let’s have it.” WENDY: “You wanna...you wanna talk about betrayal? Really? You wanna go there? Okay. You have a video on your computer of me.” MARTY: “Yeah. That’s just a confirmation of exactly who you are.” WENDY: “You’ve been watching it for months. There’s a counter on that thing and you have watched it 27 times.” MARTY: “You think I wanted to see that even once, Wendy?” WENDY: “If you knew, why didn’t you confront me?” MARTY: “And what would I say?” WENDY: “Anything! Anything at all. Instead of pushing all of those emotions down, distancing yourself from anything you feel.” MARTY: “Hang on -- Do not change the subject to me because we’re talking about you. We’re talking about that.” WENDY: “You have walled me out!” MARTY: “Wendy, we’re talking about you…” WENDY: “But Bruce? You’ve never talked to me…about how he betrayed you…” MARTY: “...and how you lived a lie...every goddamn night. Every night you came home to this family, you were living a fucking lie. How do you do that? I don’t get it. I don’t understand how you did that. Explain it to me.” WENDY: “(Softly) You slapped my ass, Marty.” MARTY: “Yeah, I slapped your ass because I thought that you liked it.” WENDY: “Oh, that is such bullshit and you know it. You are full of shit.” MARTY: “Why is it bullshit. Why is it bullshit.” WENDY: “....and you know it. You are full of shit.” MARTY: “...that I would want to do something you might like? My own wife. But I was so confused…” WENDY: “Just stop.” MARTY: “...about what you might like, I ended up doing exactly what your lover did. That’s fucking bullshit.” WENDY: “Stop it!” MARTY: “Do you know how many times you could’ve said no to that guy. You could have said no the first drink that he bought you. Right? You could have said no. When he asked for your phone number but you didn’t. You could have said no the first goddam motel room that you booked. Or the first time he stuck his fucking tongue down your throat. Right? Or the fucking first time that he slapped your ass.” WENDY: “Why would I say no, Marty? Why? Who was I saving myself for? Intimacy from you?” MARTY: “I don’t know.” WENDY: “Any affection from you? You shut me out the minute we decided to launder the stupid fucking money.” MARTY: “Well maybe I was trying to protect you.” WENDY: “I didn’t want protection, I wanted you. I wanted you, you idiot….why do you even want me here?” MARTY: “Necessity. Not desire.” WENDY: “Why didn’t you let Del kill me when he had the chance? Oh, what? What? No, dry, witty comeback? No more trutch? Ok. All right, Marty, why don’t you just tell me the fucking truth? Just tell me the truth.” MARTY: “Oh, you broke my heart Wendy.”