"Ellen Schoeters is a member of Actorama + where actors can upload a monologue or scene performance for peer review. What do you think of Ellen Schoeters's performance?"
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(Character | Ion | |
Gender | Male | |
Age Range(s) | Teenager (13-19), Young Adult (20-35) | |
Type of monologue / Character is | Persuasive, Frustrated, Insecure, Afraid | |
Type | Dramatic | |
Period | Ancient Greek | |
Genre | Tragedy, Drama | |
Description | Ion is concerned about moving to Athens |
Ion is the illegitimate son of Creausa, daughter of Erechtheus and a rich Athenian. After being raped by Apollo she gives birth to Ion and abandons him. Ion is saved by Hermes who takes him to the temple of Apollo in Delphi.
Several years later Creusa marries Xuthus but they are unable to have a child. They decide to travel to Delphi to talk to the oracles. When Xuthus arrives to the temple, he is told in a prophecy that the first person that he will meet when he will leave the temple is his son. He meets Ion and believes that he is his son. Xuthus asks him to move to Athens with him and Creusa but in this monologue Ion expresses his concern about leaving his simple life and accepting to live in a rich family in Athens.
Several years later Creusa marries Xuthus but they are unable to have a child. They decide to travel to Delphi to talk to the oracles. When Xuthus arrives to the temple, he is told in a prophecy that the first person that he will meet when he will leave the temple is his son. He meets Ion and believes that he is his son. Xuthus asks him to move to Athens with him and Creusa but in this monologue Ion expresses his concern about leaving his simple life and accepting to live in a rich family in Athens.
Written by Administrator
Excerpt |
ION Far other things appear when nigh, than seen At distance. I indeed embrace my fortune, In thee my father found. But hear what now Wakes sad reflections. Proud of their high race Are your Athenians, natives of the land, Not drawn from foreign lineage: I to them Shall come unwelcome, in two points defective, My father not a native, and myself Of spurious birth: loaded with this reproach, If destitute of power, I shall be held Abject and worthless: should I rush among The highest order of the state, and wish To appear important, inferior ranks Will hate me; aught above them gives disgust. The good, the wise, men form'd to serve the state, Are silent, nor at public honours aim Too hastily: by such, were I not quiet In such a bustling state, I should be deem'd Ridiculous, and proverb'd for a fool. Should I attain the dignity of those, Whose approved worth hath raised them to the height Of public honours, by such suffrage more Should I be watch'd; for they that hold in states Rule and pre-eminence, bear hostile minds To all that vie with them. And should I come To a strange house a stranger, to a woman Childless herself, who that misfortune shared Before with thee, now sees it her sole lot, And feels it bitterly, would she not hate me, And that with justice? When I stand before them. With what an eye would she, who hath no child, Look on thy child? In tenderness to her, Thy wife, thou must forsake me, or embroil Thy house in discord, if thou favour me. What murderous means, what poisonous drugs for men Have women with inventive rage prepared! Besides, I have much pity for thy wife, Now growing old without a child, that grief Unmerited, the last of her high race, The exterior face indeed of royalty, So causelessly commended, bath its brightness; Within, all gloom: for what sweet peace of mind, What happiness is his, whose years are pass'd In comfortless suspicion, and the dread Of violence? Be mine the humble blessings Of private life, rather than be a king, From the flagitious forced to choose my friends, And hate the virtuous through the fear of death. Gold, thou mayst tell me, hath o'er things like these A sovereign power, and riches give delight: I have no pleasure in this noisy pomp, Nor, while I guard my riches, in the toil: Be mine a modest mean that knows not care. And now, my father, hear the happy state I here enjoy'd; and first, to mortal man That dearest blessing, leisure, and no bustle To cause disturbance: me no ruffian force Shoved from the way: it is not to be borne, When every insolent and worthless wretch Makes you give place. The worship of the god Employ'd my life, or (no unpleasing task) Service to men well pleased: the parting guest I bade farewell-welcomed the new-arrived. Thus something always new made every hour Glide sweetly on; and to the human mind That dearest wish, though some regard it not, To be, what duty and my nature made me, Just to the god: revolving this, my father, I wish not for thy Athens to exchange This state; permit me to myself to live; Dear to the mind pleasures that arise From humble life, as those which greatness brings. |