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(Character | Caliban?Trinculo?Stephano?? | |
Scene type / Who are | Friends, Strangers | |
Type | Comic | |
Period | Renaissance | |
Genre | Tragedy, Drama, Comedy | |
Description | Caliban meets Trinculo and Stephano during a storm | |
Location | ACT II, Scene 2 |
The play starts with a storm hitting a ship that carries the King of Naples, Alonso, his son Ferdinand, Alonso's brother Sebastian, Antonio the Duke of Milan and two servants, Trinculo and Stefano. In the second scene we find Miranda with her father Prospero on the shore of an island close to the shipwreck. Miranda asks her father to help the people on the ship. After Prospero confesses that he is actually responsible for the shipwreck (using his magic powers), he tells her the story of his and her past, of how they got to the island. He used to be the Duke of Milan until his brother Antonio, with the help of the King of Naples, usurped his position and he was forced to flee to the island with his daughter.
We are then introduced to two servants of Prospero, Ariel and Caliban. Ariel is a spirit servant who carries out Prospero's magic. We learn that he was actually the one that made the ship sink in the beginning of the play. The other servant is Caliban, the son of the witch that rules the island before Prospero's arrival. Caliban is always cursing Prospero and Miranda for the way they treat him. Prospero sends Caliban to get firewood.
In this scene Caliban enters with firewood in his hands. There is noise of thunder on the background. In the monologue Caliban curses Prospero for how he mistreats him and punishes him by sending spirits that pinch and bite him every time that he curses. Trinculo, a drunken jester who has survived the shipwreck, then enters the scene and Caliban thinks he is one of the spirits Prospero sent to punish him. He lies down and covers himself with a cloak.
Trinculo is looking for shelter from the storm. Then he notices Caliban and wonders if he is a man or a fish. He realizes that is an islander and decides to find shelter under his cloak. Stephano, another jester who was on the ship, enters singing and sees Caliban and Trinculo under the cloak. He doesn't recognize Trinculo and thinks he has just seen a four legged monster. Comedy of errors ensues til Trinculo and Stephano recognize each other and narrate to each other how the survived the shipwreck. Comic relief is given by Caliban who, drunk with Trinculo's wine, offers them to show them the island and be their guide.
We are then introduced to two servants of Prospero, Ariel and Caliban. Ariel is a spirit servant who carries out Prospero's magic. We learn that he was actually the one that made the ship sink in the beginning of the play. The other servant is Caliban, the son of the witch that rules the island before Prospero's arrival. Caliban is always cursing Prospero and Miranda for the way they treat him. Prospero sends Caliban to get firewood.
In this scene Caliban enters with firewood in his hands. There is noise of thunder on the background. In the monologue Caliban curses Prospero for how he mistreats him and punishes him by sending spirits that pinch and bite him every time that he curses. Trinculo, a drunken jester who has survived the shipwreck, then enters the scene and Caliban thinks he is one of the spirits Prospero sent to punish him. He lies down and covers himself with a cloak.
Trinculo is looking for shelter from the storm. Then he notices Caliban and wonders if he is a man or a fish. He realizes that is an islander and decides to find shelter under his cloak. Stephano, another jester who was on the ship, enters singing and sees Caliban and Trinculo under the cloak. He doesn't recognize Trinculo and thinks he has just seen a four legged monster. Comedy of errors ensues til Trinculo and Stephano recognize each other and narrate to each other how the survived the shipwreck. Comic relief is given by Caliban who, drunk with Trinculo's wine, offers them to show them the island and be their guide.
Written by Administrator
Excerpt |
[A part of the island.] [Enter CALIBAN with a burden of wood. A noise of thunder heard] CALIBAN All the infections that the sun sucks up From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall and make him By inch-meal a disease! His spirits hear me And yet I needs must curse. But they'll nor pinch, Fright me with urchin--shows, pitch me i' the mire, Nor lead me, like a firebrand, in the dark Out of my way, unless he bid 'em; but For every trifle are they set upon me; Sometime like apes that mow and chatter at me And after bite me, then like hedgehogs which Lie tumbling in my barefoot way and mount Their pricks at my footfall; sometime am I All wound with adders who with cloven tongues Do hiss me into madness. [Enter TRINCULO] Lo, now, lo! Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me For bringing wood in slowly. I'll fall flat; Perchance he will not mind me. TRINCULO Here's neither bush nor shrub, to bear off any weather at all, and another storm brewing; I hear it sing i' the wind: yond same black cloud, yond huge one, looks like a foul bombard that would shed his liquor. If it should thunder as it did before, I know not where to hide my head: yond same cloud cannot choose but fall by pailfuls. What have we here? a man or a fish? dead or alive? A fish: he smells like a fish; a very ancient and fish- like smell; a kind of not of the newest Poor- John. A strange fish! Were I in England now, as once I was, and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver: there would this monster make a man; any strange beast there makes a man: when they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lazy out ten to see a dead Indian. Legged like a man and his fins like arms! Warm o' my troth! I do now let loose my opinion; hold it no longer: this is no fish, but an islander, that hath lately suffered by a thunderbolt. [Thunder] Alas, the storm is come again! my best way is to creep under his gaberdine; there is no other shelter hereabouts: misery acquaints a man with strange bed-fellows. I will here shroud till the dregs of the storm be past. [Enter STEPHANO, singing: a bottle in his hand] STEPHANO I shall no more to sea, to sea, Here shall I die ashore-- This is a very scurvy tune to sing at a man's funeral: well, here's my comfort. [Drinks] [Sings] The master, the swabber, the boatswain and I, The gunner and his mate Loved Mall, Meg and Marian and Margery, But none of us cared for Kate; For she had a tongue with a tang, Would cry to a sailor, Go hang! She loved not the savour of tar nor of pitch, Yet a tailor might scratch her where'er she did itch: Then to sea, boys, and let her go hang! This is a scurvy tune too: but here's my comfort. [Drinks] CALIBAN Do not torment me: Oh! STEPHANO What's the matter? Have we devils here? Do you put tricks upon's with savages and men of Ind, ha? I have not scaped drowning to be afeard now of your four legs; for it hath been said, As proper a man as ever went on four legs cannot make him give ground; and it shall be said so again while Stephano breathes at's nostrils. CALIBAN The spirit torments me; Oh! STEPHANO This is some monster of the isle with four legs, who hath got, as I take it, an ague. Where the devil should he learn our language? I will give him some relief, if it be but for that. if I can recover him and keep him tame and get to Naples with him, he's a present for any emperor that ever trod on neat's leather. CALIBAN Do not torment me, prithee; I'll bring my wood home faster. STEPHANO He's in his fit now and does not talk after the wisest. He shall taste of my bottle: if he have never drunk wine afore will go near to remove his fit. If I can recover him and keep him tame, I will not take too much for him; he shall pay for him that hath him, and that soundly. CALIBAN Thou dost me yet but little hurt; thou wilt anon, I know it by thy trembling: now Prosper works upon thee. STEPHANO Come on your ways; open your mouth; here is that which will give language to you, cat: open your mouth; this will shake your shaking, I can tell you, and that soundly: you cannot tell who's your friend: open your chaps again. TRINCULO I should know that voice: it should be--but he is drowned; and these are devils: O defend me! STEPHANO Four legs and two voices: a most delicate monster! His forward voice now is to speak well of his friend; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches and to detract. If all the wine in my bottle will recover him, I will help his ague. Come. Amen! I will pour some in thy other mouth. TRINCULO Stephano! STEPHANO Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy, mercy! This is a devil, and no monster: I will leave him; I have no long spoon. TRINCULO Stephano! If thou beest Stephano, touch me and speak to me: for I am Trinculo--be not afeard--thy good friend Trinculo. STEPHANO If thou beest Trinculo, come forth: I'll pull thee by the lesser legs: if any be Trinculo's legs, these are they. Thou art very Trinculo indeed! How camest thou to be the siege of this moon-calf? can he vent Trinculos? TRINCULO I took him to be killed with a thunder-stroke. But art thou not drowned, Stephano? I hope now thou art not drowned. Is the storm overblown? I hid me under the dead moon-calf's gaberdine for fear of the storm. And art thou living, Stephano? O Stephano, two Neapolitans 'scaped! STEPHANO Prithee, do not turn me about; my stomach is not constant. CALIBAN [Aside] These be fine things, an if they be not sprites. That's a brave god and bears celestial liquor. I will kneel to him. STEPHANO How didst thou 'scape? How camest thou hither? swear by this bottle how thou camest hither. I escaped upon a butt of sack which the sailors heaved o'erboard, by this bottle; which I made of the bark of a tree with mine own hands since I was cast ashore. CALIBAN I'll swear upon that bottle to be thy true subject; for the liquor is not earthly. STEPHANO Here; swear then how thou escapedst. TRINCULO Swum ashore. man, like a duck: I can swim like a duck, I'll be sworn. STEPHANO Here, kiss the book. Though thou canst swim like a duck, thou art made like a goose. TRINCULO O Stephano. hast any more of this? STEPHANO The whole butt, man: my cellar is in a rock by the sea-side where my wine is hid. How now, moon-calf! how does thine ague? CALIBAN Hast thou not dropp'd from heaven? STEPHANO Out o' the moon, I do assure thee: I was the man i' the moon when time was. CALIBAN I have seen thee in her and I do adore thee: My mistress show'd me thee and thy dog and thy bush. STEPHANO Come, swear to that; kiss the book: I will furnish it anon with new contents swear. TRINCULO By this good light, this is a very shallow monster! I afeard of him! A very weak monster! The man i' the moon! A most poor credulous monster! Well drawn, monster, in good sooth! CALIBAN I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island; And I will kiss thy foot: I prithee, be my god. TRINCULO By this light, a most perfidious and drunken monster! when 's god's asleep, he'll rob his bottle. CALIBAN I'll kiss thy foot; I'll swear myself thy subject. STEPHANO Come on then; down, and swear. TRINCULO I shall laugh myself to death at this puppy-headed monster. A most scurvy monster! I could find in my heart to beat him,-- STEPHANO Come, kiss. TRINCULO But that the poor monster's in drink: an abominable monster! CALIBAN I'll show thee the best springs; I'll pluck thee berries; I'll fish for thee and get thee wood enough. A plague upon the tyrant that I serve! I'll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, Thou wondrous man. TRINCULO A most ridiculous monster, to make a wonder of a Poor drunkard! CALIBAN I prithee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; And I with my long nails will dig thee pignuts; Show thee a jay's nest and instruct thee how To snare the nimble marmoset; I'll bring thee To clustering filberts and sometimes I'll get thee Young scamels from the rock. Wilt thou go with me? STEPHANO I prithee now, lead the way without any more talking. Trinculo, the king and all our company else being drowned, we will inherit here: here; bear my bottle: fellow Trinculo, we'll fill him by and by again. CALIBAN [Sings drunkenly] Farewell master; farewell, farewell! TRINCULO A howling monster: a drunken monster! CALIBAN No more dams I'll make for fish Nor fetch in firing At requiring; Nor scrape trencher, nor wash dish 'Ban, 'Ban, Cacaliban Has a new master: get a new man. Freedom, hey-day! hey-day, freedom! freedom, hey-day, freedom! STEPHANO O brave monster! Lead the way. [Exeunt] |